Climate Change...
To understand what underpins the Net Zero Climate Change Emergency you need to understand what underpins the position taken by those branded as Climate Change Deniers. Know your enemy as it were...
Fighting Censorship Locally - With People for People
Dear All,
Below is my own curated compilation of hyper-links to twenty four documentaries, talks, videos, articles, and research papers which could keep you entertained for around ten hours. Instead of scanning thirty QR-codes you can also go to my which includes the same article with the compilation listed as .
My view is that dialogue is the foundation of society. It is the foundation of communities and that of families. Dialogue is where people care enough about themselves to care about others to a similar degree. It is not a question of agreeing with each other. If one takes the time to understand the position taken by someone, we disagree with then we can then expect them to in return take the time to understand our own position which is what we really want.
To understand what underpins the Net Zero Climate Change Emergency you need to understand what underpins the position taken by those branded as Climate Change Deniers. Know your enemy as it were.
The BBC’s impartial reporting remit is to air both sides of a debate. In 2018 a BBC memo instructed reporters to no longer give Climate Change deniers airtime (QR-A). Censorship!
Previously, the BBC gave airtime to those who argued, for example that global warming was not as fast as it appeared to be because too many weather stations worldwide were originally built at airports and in urban areas which were surrounded by fields. Over time these fields became industrial areas, car parks and housing. This extra concrete and tarmac would heat up during the day and cool down at night thereby increasing recorded night-time temperatures. It was noticed over time that recorded night-time temperatures were rising while day-time temperatures remained more constant causing an overall recorded increase.
Some explained that our climate has always changed. From 985 and 1450 AD there was the Medieval Warm Period when a more clement Greenland (QR-E) was invaded by the Vikings. From 1600 AD to 1814 AD there was the Little Ice Age (QR-F) when the Thames would repeatedly freeze over for two months at a time and Londoners would organise Freeze Fairs on the river. The argument is that it is too simplistic to measure temperature changes since 1850 because 1850 was the coldest period in the last 10,000 years so a longer timeline should be considered. It is also too simplistic to attribute temperature change, since 1850, exclusively to manmade increases in CO2 as different factors have caused climate change in the past like changes in sun-spot activity, the earth’s tilt, the frequency of volcanic eruptions. Most volcanos are under water and heat up the oceans. On land they create ash clouds which cool down the earth.
Suffice it to say that I hope you enjoy my compilation. Dialogue is key.
First off, the expression “Denier” is loaded as it conjures in one’s mind other types of deniers. I would recommend not using this expression to describe adversaries in a debate.
I have listed the documentaries, articles, and papers in an order which I think makes sense so look at them in that order. For each I have provided a brief description and the watch/read time in brackets.
QR-A (00:03) 2018 BBC decides to no longer air views of climate change deniers. There is uncertainty over which is the best method to use to calculate temperature change and how much of the change is attributed to which factors CO2 etc. Censoring this debate from being reported is wrong.
QR-B (01:13) 2007 Great Global Warming Swindle (01:13) documentary was first broadcast on 8th March 2007 on Channel 4. It fascinatingly documents how certain Climatologists found it impossible to get funding from the IPCC for their research.
Oddly “Great Global Warming Swindle” has been shadow banned on YouTube, but you can find the YouTube link on Google
QR-C (00:19) 2023 Freddie Sayers from UnHerd interviews Bjorn Lomborg about how temperatures will save lives according to a Lancet paper below whose findings they review.
QR-D (00:05) 2023 Lancet Paper “Excess mortality attributed to heat and cold: a health impact assessment study in 854 cities in Europe over 20 years” (2000-2019) as per the paper “we estimated an annual excess of 203 620 deaths attributed to cold and 20 173 attributed to heat”. One positive is that because ten times more people die of cold each year in Europe than die of heat, Global Warming will reduce deaths in the short to medium term.
QR-E (00:05) 2019 “Study shows that Vikings enjoyed a warm Greenland.” A Northwest University team found that it was relatively warm between 985 and 1450 AD when the Vikings settled Greenland.
QR-F (00:05) History: “The Thames Frost Fairs” "Between 1600 and 1814, it was not uncommon for the River Thames to freeze over for up to two months at time. There were two main reasons for this; the first was that Britain (and the entire of the Northern Hemisphere) was locked in what is now known as the ‘Little Ice Age’."
It is important to know that in 1998 there were two competing temperature reconstructions being considered by the UN IPCC. Briffa's reconstruction was fairly accurate but was rejected because it didn't show what the politicians in charge of the process wanted to see. Instead, they used Michael Mann's hockey stick reconstruction.
QR-H CO2 is essential for plant life. CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere are currently at 400ppm. When pumped into greenhouses to maintain concentrations of 600ppm to 1000ppm yields are increased by 30%.
QR-I (00:01) 2020 For 140 million years, CO2 levels fell steadily to within about 30 ppm of the 150 ppm “line of death” below which plants can’t survive. The relatively short-term data from ice cores and much longer-term data going back 140 million years (Berner 2001) show a downward trend toward CO2 starvation. The release of carbon dioxide by using fossil fuels has allowed humanity to increase concentrations of this beneficial molecule, and perhaps avert an actual CO2-related climate apocalypse.
QR-J (00:18) 2013 Matt Ridley on How Fossil Fuels are Greening the Planet
QR-K (00:20) 2022 Climate Apocalypse – Terrifying Progression of Climate Disasters as documented by the Creative Society
QR-L (02:50) 2022 Anomalous Volcanic Activity 2022 as documented by the Creative Society
QR-M (02:25) 2022 Scientific Report Has Opened the Eyes of the World to the Truth About Climate as documented by the Creative Society
QR-N (00:31) 2023 Debunking Weather Event Alarmism by Paul Burgess
QR-O (00:11) Eastern Pacific Ocean is cooling NOT warming! Are the climate models wrong? Asks Dave Borlay from Just Have a Think
QR-P 2014 “IPCC report: global warming theory is 'junk science'” asks the Daily Telegraph YouTube channel
QR-Q (01:02) 2014 A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Global Warming by Hillside College
QR-R (01:41) 2022 Geological evidence for the 12,000 year cycle of climate disasters | Douglas Vogt by Creative Society
QR-S (01:20) 2021 Carbon and Climate Catastrophe by Dr. Patrick Moore Co-founder and President of Greenpeace
QR-T (00:31) 2022 Debunking Weather Event Alarmism by Paul Burgess
QR-U Secrets of the United Nations: What everyone should know. (40:00)
The United Nations are rolling out Agenda 2030, with the “sustainability goals”. This worldwide project aims to completely transform every aspect of human existence: food, family, work, finance, health, education, everything! This will supposedly put an end to poverty, hunger, inequality, sickness, and other bad things. Calin Georgescu a former executive director who worked at the UN for 17 years, tells a different story. He explains that the UN is controlled by a cartel of oligarchs who use it to enrich themselves.
QR-V (00:22) 2023 The Many Errors of Al Gore’s famous film An Inconvenient Truth released in 2006 by Simon Clark
QR-W (00:38) 2007 Rosalind Peterson 2007 UN Climate Change Conference
QR-X (00:05) 2023 The Telegraph gone rogue! “NET ZERO is a Trojan horse for the total destruction of Western Society – Prepare for a people’s revolution against policies that will abolish choice and impoverish millions”.